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Friday, April 20, 2007

Weigh In Success

Well I weighed in this morning for my official WI and weighed in at 177.6 which puts me .1 shy of 30 lbs so I know I can definitely do that by next week.

Thats puts me at a loss of 1.1 lbs lost for the week and Im quite happy with that since its been such a tough week and I didnt even track one day so I have to be quite proud of myself for sure for that accomplishment alone. I did gain a bit from the other day but it probably was due to me not eating anything but lunch the day before I weighed in so Im not holding that out as a true loss/gain.

Hopefully starting Monday Ill be back to normal as well be back home and be back to posting my menu but internet time this week has been very scarce.

Hope all of you have had a fabulous week and Ill try to catch up with you maybe over the weekend when we get back. Thank you for all the fabulous comments as well they have made my week.


noelle said...

WOOHOO!!!!! 30 pounds (almost) is a huge accomplishment!!! Good for you!!!

WeightWatchnWoman said...

Congrats on your weekly weight loss.

So close to the 30lb mark...this week coming up will be your week.


Fatinah said...

what a great job!

Carolyn said...

Great Loss!!!!
Good for you! You are doing such a great job without tracking!
Keep it up and hope things are getting less hectic and you are enjoying the nice weather!

Cory said...

Congrats! That's terrific!

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