Morgan is here!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blog Taking a backseat

Just so everyone knows, this blog will become nonexistent now but its all for the good:)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Food for today

Well since I didnt post my food for this weekend thought I would post for really wasnt that bad bc I was so sick to my stomach

Breakfast: apple cinnamon scone, water
Lunch: crackers with cheese, pretzels, water
Dinner: going to a friends

Tomorrow is day 3 of Boot camp-will post more about it this week and some things we do.

For the chicken corn dogs-they are made by Foster farms and are sold at Wal-Mart

Friday, September 18, 2009

Weigh In

All my hard work has paid off
Weigh In: 180.6
Pounds lost: 2.6 (yeah!!)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 2-Boot Camp

Well today was day 2 of boot camp. I was expecting to literally about die. To be honest...I thought it was easier...maybe because I knew what to expect I dont know. We did more than we did Tuesday but we did a lot more things like pushups, ab stuff, legs, etc instead of running as much..maybe thats what it was..I dont know, but I know whatever I do Ill be sore..haha as out of shape as Im in! We were going to run 1 1/2 miles outside but it was raining and lightning so that will be for Tuesday. I do find it funny that a few women dropped out because Tuesday was too "hard".

I made it 2 days Im so proud of myself, Ive pushed myself more than I EVER have and it feels awesome, I just love the burn and feeling like Im doing something with my body for the good. Next Boot camp is Tuesday for black day (supposed to be the toughest!)

Food for today
Breakfast: blueberry muffin, water
Lunch: chicken salad sandwich with rosemary olive oil bread, red grapes, banana chips, water
Dinner: chicken corn dog, baked fries (tsp of olive oil, cajun seasoning), BBQ sauce, water
Water: 80 oz
Exercise: 1 hr boot camp

Tomorrow is weigh in Im hoping for a good one, Ive been 183.2 for 1 month, no gain, no loss. Im ready to move on and Im hoping maybe I can even be in the 170's, well see.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sore & making it...

Well after Day 1 of Boot Camp I am nice and sore as to be expected. I dont remember being this sore in a long, long time but I know I gotta toughen up and Ill survive.

Tomorrow is Day 2 of Boot Camp and supposedly a little tougher. I also get to run 1 1/2 miles tomorrow and Ive never really ran, should be interesting.

Food for today
Breakfast: blueberry muffin, water
Lunch: chicken salad sandwich with rosemary olive oil bread, TGIFriday chips, 100 calorie smores, water
dinner: tortilla chips, taco meat, rotel cheese (2%), water
Water: 72 oz
Exercise: none

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Boot Camp day 1

Well today was day 1 of boot camp and wow was it more than I ever thought. I have never sweated and felt like I was going to literally die. It was 45 minutes of boot camp + 15 minute warmup/cooldown = 1 hr. We worked parts of my body I never knew existed either. This is a military guy who knows what he is doing. Today was a red day which was supposedly easy (maybe for him), Thursday is blue day, and then Tuesday is black day (supposedly the toughest of all). Each 3 of these days are different workouts. If I can just keep this up and tough it out wow I may lose this weight! Its tough but what part of losing weight is easy?? He reminds me of those trainers on Biggest Loser (if you try to quit..give me more), its just what I needed honestly.

Then like I havent had enough I went to run for 15 minutes because on Thursday we start running and yeah Im not in running shape. I havent ever ran more than a few steps or so.

Food for today (Tuesday-Sept. 15)
Breakfast: blueberry muffin, water
Lunch: chicken salad sandwich with rosemary olive oil bread, TGIFriday chips, 1/2 slice homemade pizza (student made it..I couldnt resisit), 1 slice of pound cake (again student made), water
dinner: chicken pot pie with biscuits, water
Water: 96 oz (do you know how long its been since I had that much water..Im so proud of myself I must admit!)
Exercise: 45 min boot camp + 15 min warmup/cooldown, 15 min run/walk (1 hr 15 min total)

Monday, September 14, 2009


Saturday (9-12) aka Game Day (MSU vs. Auburn)
Breakfast:Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit + 2 chik n minis, lemonade
Snack: beef dip with tortilla chips, water
Dinner: 3 ribs, 1 smoked chicken leg, baked beans, potato salad, lemonade
Exercise: walking around campus (1 hr)

Sunday (9-13) coming back from the game
Breakfast: McDonalds sausage biscuit, water
Lunch: Popeyes popcorn shrimp, tartar sauce, small red beans and rice, biscuit, sprite
Dinner(appetizer night at church) cream cheese rotel dip with tortilla chips, brown sugar dip, chips & salsa, 2 chocolate chip cookies, sprite

Monday (9-14)
Breakfast: grilled cheese crackers, water
Lunch: chicken salad sandwich on rosemary/olive oil bread, cinnabon bar, TGIFridays potato skins chips, water
Dinner: baked General Tso's chicken, chicken fried rice, water

Changes Ahead

Does anyone else have a Brita pitcher? My cousin has convinced me to get one this weekend and we got one this weekend and I love it along with my thermos cooler that marks the oz on it. Water has always been a big thing that I used to do but have gotten away from it. It has helped big time, well see if it keeps up Also, my husband got one as well (thermos) and he has never really drank water and he said its much easier to do it that way too and to see how many oz and such you are drinking.

My cousin has also given me some good recipes (she is a major health guru-has her degree in it too-so she knows her stuff).

Also, they have an ex military guy that is a teacher at our school and he has agreed to do a boot camp for all the faculty that are interested. Its 2 days a week (Tues & Thurs) for 45 min to 1 hr. Im looking forward to it and doing something different. I might die tomorrow but hopefully Ill survive

Up next, Im going to start putting down my food to help keep me accountable!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Last week we didnt weigh in and today I weighed in with a maintain at 183.2. I was thinking I was going to have a gain so I was glad of at least a maintain. I thought it would motivate me but it really hasnt done anything maybe its just the tough things.

I think we may join a gym and may do the trial to see which one we like best.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Weigh In Start

So this morning I weighed myself before I did anything or had any clothes on and weighed 178.2, then went to school (ate a not so grand breakfast, and had clothes on) and weighed 183.2 so I guess Ill use that as the starting one and hopefully Ill be much skinnier soon:)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Start to a new start

Well its now been over a month since Ive posted here and most have probably disappeared and no longer are following along but if anyone is here is an update...
1) Ive gained a bit of weight but am determined that I must get this weight off. It eats me up each time I weigh and see that ugly number
2) I have now changed to a new school and they are starting a faculty fit club..great now I have some motivation! How it works:
~$20 to sign up per semester
~must pay $1 each week I gain (if that isnt motivation I dont know what is)
~the weekly winner (% lost) will win the people who gained weight's money
~at the end 1st place wins 50%, 2nd place wins 30%, and 3rd place wins 20%
Weigh in starts this Friday and we will weigh in each week on Fridays. Its just the motivation Ive been needing! I sure dont want to lose any $ so I must lose!!
3) My ultimate goal for losing the weigh or even starting the faculty club at our school is because we are in the process of adopting and I want to be in great shape so I can run, play and have fun with our future child I cant wait!
4) Just for a is my beginning and what I got down to before gaining an additional 13 lbs + no toneing at all just feel flabby!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Amazing Results

Well last week I weighed in right after we got back from DC and all my walking only to be really discouraged. I weighed in at 181.0. Well Im here to report I lost those lbs + a little more and am down to 176.4 which means a 4.6 lb loss since excited!! My goal is to get back down to the 160's even if its 169 by the end of August which would be about a 2 lb loss per week. I can do it:)

New Motivation I cant believe I lost it all + more. Yeah Yeah yeah!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Weight Loss

Well this week I managed to lose 2.4 lbs...yeah! Ive been doing the Biggest Loser workout and its really been kicking my butt for sure. I dont think Ive ever been so sore from 20 minutes of working out

Friday, May 29, 2009

Weight Gain

Today weighed in at 176.8 which is a .8 gain from last week.

Ordered The Biggest Loser: The Workout: Power Sculpt so hopefully it can get me back on track.

After all Ive eaten this week (hasnt been good) I consider myself lucky to only gain .8 lb quite frankly. Need to get back on track and lose the flub and stop eating out.

Now that school is out now it should be much easier!

workout videos I ordered:
The Biggest Loser: The Workout: Power Sculpt
The Biggest Loser: The Workout: Cardio Max
The Biggest Loser: Boot Camp
Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones
The Firm Bootcamp: Maximum Calorie Burn

You couldnt tell Im a fan of the Biggest Loser could ya..haha! Hopefully with all that I can kick this into high gear and lose this stubborn weight.

Several trips this summer
Washington-4th of July week
Destin-Aug. 1 weekend

I need to get this flub off!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dont understand WL...

Sometimes I just dont get WL, honestly I really dont. This week Ive probably done more exercise than I have in some time with doing tennis, swimming and walking and sweating lots and eating pretty sensibly too you would think I would have a loss, right?

Nope I had a gain of 1.4 lbs...uggh I wanted to throw the scale down the drain but now I must be patient. That brings me to 178..uggh!

Now to leave you with a picture taken from Mothers Day, I definitely feel the flub for sure. I think all my WG is all in my stomach

From l-r (me, brother-BJ-21, other brother-Austin-12, mom, grandmother)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Weight Gain

Today I weighed in and gained 1.0 lb (bringing me to 176.4)so honestly as much food as I have eaten this week and some good, some bad its not a shocker at all. Hopefully next week will be better

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week has been teacher apprciation week for those of us that are teachers and with that comes lots of good food that all the parents have brought for us. I must say that I think that all this good food is really not good lingering around but it sure is nice to have so many good things to eat and all homemade stuff too how can you really resist??

Hopefully I can maintain this week Im hoping but well see on Friday I guess.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Weight Loss

Yesterday I weighed in at 175.4 which is a 2.2 lb lost from last week since I had a small gain. Ive been really watching what I eat and getting some exercise and its starting to pay off!

Friday, April 17, 2009


This morning I weighed in at 177.2 which means I lost 1.4 lbs this week. Eating well and exercising is paying off!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Well this week I maintained at 178.8 which was a bit disappointing but Ill survive. Its been a rough week with having to plan prom and everything that goes with it. Maybe next week since Ill have my life back Ill have a loss!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Weight LOSS!

Well last friday I weighed in at 179.0 and today I weighed in at 178.8 so a small loss but at least its in the right direction! If you count from Monday till today Ive lost almost 3 lbs.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Start to the week

Well so far its been a good start to the week. I weighed in on MOnday just to see how bad I had done this weekend and weighed again today and have already lost 1.2 lbs so good start.

Ive been keeping up daily with everything on the iPhone app and am really getting back into the habit of things and its getting easier hopefully I can keep it up

One thing Ive found that I love that I bought today is Skinny Cow Chocolate Truffle..only 100 calories and 2.5g of fat..amazing flavor!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2 months....

Wow has it been a really long time and this thing is dying a slow, slow death so thought I would try to revitalize it and see if anyone is still reading along or not.

Sunday I had one of those "what am I doing days" that has really shed some light and made me really wake up. Ive decided to really refocus now that summer is coming soon I want to fit into some of those cute clothes that I bought last year when I had lost the weight and then have come to find it again.

Some goals to hopefully keep me on track
-Exercise at least 4-5X a week (even if its walking around our neighborhood)
-order some aerobic videos (any recommendations please leave a comment!)
-keep track of food intake (started this again yesterday with a new app on the iPhone called Lose It and it seems to work well)
-drink lots of water and stay away from sweet tea (limit is 1X per week)
-fried foods limited to 1X per week (gotta start somewhere)
-lose 1 lb per week
-limit eating out to 1-2X per week
-figure out what fruits and veggies are and eat them!

Hopefully I will have more time to post and have a reason to as well!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Weight Loss

well its been a little while since Ive been here but I have great news to report. I had a great loss this week and I am now down to 177.2..woo hoo! I lost 1.8 lbs this week. I really didnt do much exercise but have tried to eat better and avoid the cafteria so I think that has done it this week.

Also, after months of looking for a house we finally landed on the perfect deal + perfect house and we will be closing Feb. 26 I cant wait!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

Hope everyone has had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I weighed in on NY Day to start the day off on the right foot and weighed in at 179.0 so I guess I wont complain too much just want to lose weight.

Ive kicked it up already and have been a gym addict (well for 2 days at least!) and me and Chad have done lots of walking too. We both want to lose weight and Im determined to get down to 145!

A new find thats really good..marinated asparagus! Its 10 calories for 9 sticks cant beat that! Low fat and good for you and tastes good too

Ive started back tracking in Sparkpeople too just need to get back in the habit of it all. Tomorrow I go back to work after a 2 week holiday (gotta love education!)

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